For many years the Russian Compound was a centre of Jerusalem nightlife, featuring pubs with names like Glasnost, Cannabis and Putin.
The game featured 10 different stadiums with fictional names which stand for their real-life equivalents.
"Traditional Sailing" and "Boat Rental" also feature lists of companies, with addresses and names of ships.
Each style features several attacks with names like "Cimmerian Charge" and "Black River Rage".
The show features interviews with big names, highlights of community events, and the wildly popular Morning Mind Bender trivia question.
As with all games in the Fire Prowrestling series, it features professional wrestlers with fictitious names.
The second tournament generally featured wrestlers from the low and mid-card ranks, with less established names than the first 2007 tournament.
The album featured collaborations with well-known reggae names such as Barrington Levy and Scientist.