The feature stands at the south side of the head of Helfferich Glacier.
Each feature stood as if it had been carved only days before, no sign of wear marred the sharp, clean lines of the carving.
Still, this is just a beta, and the feature stands to undergo a few tweaks before it actually launches.
Its realistic features stand in contrast to perhaps more rigid and somewhat less detailed body.
A striking feature beside the driveway stood a cypress.
In the center of the room stood the most fearsome feature of all: a Klingon mind-sifter.
Ginny's features stood keenly against white walls and sun-yellowed blinds.
But one feature of new houses stands tall, and taller - wider, too.
I can still see the bloated face he turned to me with an effort, every feature in his face stood prominently forth, cheeks, nose, lips.
One feature stood models in little black dresses on little black chairs.