Until a few years ago, a quartet performing a song featuring syncopated rhythms in a competition would be penalized.
Their first full-length release, Filth (1983), featured driving, choppy rhythms and abrasive drums.
The Atlantic music features rhythms such as the cumbia, porros and mapalé.
In 2007 he released the album 50th, featuring old rhythms from producers such as Bunny Lee, to celebrate his 50th birthday.
This release featured more propulsive, energetic rhythms against the "wall of sound" guitar playing.
It features a loose arrangement, tom-tom drums, hi-hats, double bass, and tribal rhythms.
The album actually features Latin-oriented rhythms and instruments.
It featured familiar rhythms to the first two parts, but was delivered much differently.
The flashiest is Laibach, a rock band whose music features jackbooted industrial rhythms and harsh robotic vocals.
Omnichords often feature preset rhythms with a tempo control which the player may use as accompaniment.