Shorter sales usually feature only merchandise from the store's inventory.
It featured extensive general merchandise along with the typical Foodland variety of name brand, private label, and value priced food items.
Drinking game sites feature rules, merchandise and pictures of wild parties, with some students naked and others hugging the toilet.
The event features tacky merchandise especially for the celebration and is held usually on Friday and Saturday nights.
The store features varied merchandise, such as books, clothing, toys, and Monterey County stones and fossils.
The New York Store featured lines of foreign and domestic dry goods as well as upscale merchandise.
The West Side market, the far more popular site, is considered relatively downscale because it features crafts and other new merchandise along with antiques.
Following a major renovation in 2007, the mall features a large food court, full service restaurants, several eateries, and merchandise for the urbanized market.
Introduced in 2009, the Upscale Outlet stores feature specially designed merchandise at great values.
In addition to three full days of music, the festival also features arts and crafts, local microbrew beer, food, merchandise, service and information booths.