It features letters and diaries written by internees, which have been released from government records.
Formerly "Player's Pulse", this section featured letters to the editor as submitted by readers.
A version of the standard 4x4 set that included a special red "Boggle challenge cube," featuring six relatively uncommon letters.
It also featured letters from peasants and various correspondences.
Come to Daddys packaging features stark black letters against a white background.
Every Wednesday there is a 'Postbag' section featuring letters sent in by listeners.
In an effort to deter thieves, the sign was radically redesigned to feature white letters and red stars against a blue background.
Nevertheless, its letter column sometimes featured letters from children.
For the next few weeks, the paper primarily featured official documents and letters, with little editorial comment.
As the game becomes more difficult, the sign features letters that children often confuse.