With geographic coordinates the features can be mapped and entered into Geographic Information Systems.
All the main features are mapped; though there are very few that we can identify, we've given them provisional names.
Based on the survey, 146 geographical features were mapped for the first time, and the coordinates of other 8 features were updated.
The feature was roughly mapped in 1898 by the Belgian Antarctic Expedition.
Archaeological features whose electrical resistivity contrasts with that of surrounding soils can be detected and mapped.
Archaeological features can be mapped when they are of higher or lower resistivity than their surroundings.
The feature was mapped and named by the Spanish Antarctic Expedition in 1991.
By the mid-1990's, many geological features of the ocean floor had been mapped and many of the unusual creatures that inhabit its depths classified.
The feature is roughly mapped on the 1874 chart by the Challenger expedition.
The feature was first mapped from air photos by the Lars Christensen Expedition, 1936-37.