Other ads feature such headlines as "All our profits go to cleaning up the environment.
It now features more sensationalist stories, snappy headlines, and Page3 parties.
An extra edition distributed at the meeting featured the headline, "Who bribed the jury?"
The end of the video features the headline "Youth Is Amazing".
Each page featured headlines of stories elsewhere on the web selected by the journalists, which linked back to the originating outside site.
Legend has it that at least one newspaper the next day featured the headline, "X-ray of Dean's head shows nothing."
It features daily headlines as well as national and local news, weather, traffic, sports, foreign, and entertainment stories.
It features headlines, weather conditions, and severe weather warnings.
The cover featured capitalized headlines, often with an exclamation point, and featured bands of color.
The stories do have a point of view, featuring headlines like "Deep Trouble" and "Afterglow."