As a result, the economy depends heavily on agriculture, featuring fruits, vegetables, wine, and tobacco.
A five-course meal cooked by the chef, Blake Verity, will feature fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts.
The tail designs featured a steelpan, cricket balls, fruits, corals, fish and butterflies.
Objects featuring animals, fruits and flowers abound this season, an obvious reflection of current collecting fashions.
Food service directors are beginning to team up with local farmers to feature fruits and vegetables that children are devouring.
And others feature extensive salad bars, pasta dishes, fruits and fajitas.
The menu features fruits and vegetables from East End farms.
Zoo diets now feature fruits and vegetables, as well as meat and dog chow.
The market features fresh Oregon-grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, plants, and animal products.
His sauces are sophisticated, featuring classic reductions and fruits, vegetables and unexpected herbs.