There is promise of a DVD featuring the Athens performance, plus extras, in 2010.
The completed shot features the full range of effects techniques used in the film: digital extras in the foreground, set extensions, and computer-generated vehicles.
There is a bevy of side-missions to complete, but the game also features extras like a fully-functioning economy.
A special edition featuring extras, a book and cards was published on June 23, 2009.
The DVD features extras including one-on-one interviews with the series writer and regular cast and bloopers.
It features all the previous units from retail version of Total Annihilation, plus several extras for each faction.
A major community effort, it featured many local actors and extras.
This website features exclusive extras including exhaustively researched lists of Thompson's credits in various mediums.
Each season set, as well as the complete series set, features various extras including commentaries, oddities, bloopers, and photo galleries.
Many of these new scenes replaced similar scenes from the original cut that featured Caucasian extras.