These analogous features have evolved independently of each other as both animals have adapted to their environment.
The site also has a subscription-based service, 8 tracks plus, although its features are still evolving.
These features are highly variable in crocodyliforms, and probably evolved independently in Fruitachampsa.
The upshot is that this feature has evolved into a very useful tool.
According to Charles Darwin's 1859 theory of natural selection, features such as coloration evolved by providing individual animals with a reproductive advantage.
The bilateral features evolved as adaptations to a burrowing lifestyle.
Though there wasn't actually any gameplay showed to go along with the technology, so quite how these neat features will evolve is unclear.
I mean, I'm watching these features evolve on PIP just over the last few weeks.
This means that the distinctive features of these modern monkeys have evolved more than once.
These features have evolved a number of times independently: convergent evolution.