This feature eliminates the critical engine and makes the aircraft more controllable in the event an engine needs to be shut down or fails.
This powerful feature can create outlines, change colors, eliminate large images and give general control over the look of the page.
As you can imagine, this handy feature eliminates the need to reboot, maximizing system uptime and minimizing user headaches.
This feature eliminates the need to write a function object in many cases.
This new feature eliminates a problem termed 'shuffling', where toons would get on the elevator and then hop off.
This feature eliminates both the need for skilled monitoring of the system as well as the chance for human error in interpreting the data.
Another feature would eliminate $48 million in "member's items," which lawmakers traditionally use to promote certain organizations in their districts.
This feature would eliminate any "dust cloud" when firing from a prone position which would normally give away a shooters position in a tactical situation.
The feature eliminates the need for split-screen gaming.
This feature eliminates many of the scale buildup and plugging problems associated with other scrubbers.