It features bits written by Hoolboom itself.
It features a steeply pitched roof and bits of gable-end decorations.
A special show featuring unseen material and favourite bits from the series so far.
Before each gap, they will feature bits of video recordings showcasing the week's featured celebrity on the segment, "Big Star Diary."
Also, the glass fronts of some boxes feature bits of writing meant to add to the work, but mostly the writing gets in the way.
The book is primarily a memoir, but features comic bits by Newhart as well.
The exhibit features photographs, lithographs and other bits of memorabilia, many of which are being seen publicly for the first time.
The documentary also features bits of live concerts, exclusive footage, etc.
It also features bits of the Quake source (used predominantly for networking and rendering), and was the first port to support Strife.
While his photographs often feature bits and pieces of families, their real subjects tend to be suburban and exurban alienation and malaise.