The second went 79 yards and featured a staggering run by Williams on third-and-16 that went for 18 yards.
The piece is notable for its bass line, which features a technically challenging chromatic run.
The nearby Raging River also features a kayaking run.
Later on, the Packers drove 68 yards in 10 plays, featuring a 27-yard run by Starks.
It features big-name stars, a time-tested play and a limited run, ending Dec. 29.
On Sunday, a five-hour kayak workshop, featuring a 10-mile run down the river, will be held; $32 a person.
StartUp (featuring a quick run through of the games featured on the cover disc and editor's letter)
The Houston event, which features a two-mile run and one-mile walk, has grown to nearly 2,000 participants.
The scoring drive featured a 45-yard run by Efton James on a fake forward pass.
The modern event features a short run up on a track and then the thrower releases the javelin before the foul line.