Although the dog didn't wake, his feathery plumed tail swished across the sheepskin a few times before curling close around him once more.
Then all three watched in silence as the garage door rose slowly to emit a feathery tail of diesel smoke.
It was a small grayish dog with a sharp nose and a long, feathery tail.
She lay there breathing out loud and thumping the floor with her feathery tail.
From there she stared adoringly up at her, wagging her feathery tail.
She whispered that the Devil hid behind the curtains, a red devil with a feathery red tail.
They liked the lapping of the water against her hull, and the white wake that spread behind them like a feathery tail.
The dogs wagged their curled feathery tails and grinned as if that was a great joke they all shared.
The red dog licked his hand, feathery tail waving furiously.