The feathered end of an arrow protruded from over the horse's left shoulder.
Indeed, there appeared to be movement at the arrow's feathered end.
The arrow is fitted into the groove with the arrowhead toward the hand and the feathered end in the cup.
The feathered ends of the darts fell back without their points.
Two large, orange wings rested against its body, which was a speckled brown, and it had a long black tail with a feathered end.
A heap of arrows lay at his feet, feathered ends toward him, as he rested on one knee.
The flounder of the dead man's head threw weight upon the feathered end of the death shaft.
Silk felt the feathered end of the arrow.
He drew the bow, placing the feathered end of the arrow against his ear, and released the string.
The feathered ends of a dozen arrows were sticking out of him.