Nothing here is comparable with the fearsome images of the Mayans or Aztecs.
Monstrous images of stone rose against the sky, gap-mouthed, fearsome images in crude similitude of the devils who had come out of the sunset.
A shrewd and calculating leader, Teach spurned the use of force, relying instead on his fearsome image to elicit the response he desired from those he robbed.
The effect of this fearsome, sensual, transcendent image is gripping by any standards.
The character poked fun at his fearsome, drug-fueled public image.
Fan Rui excels in martial arts and wields a spiked chain mace in combat, presenting a fearsome image to his enemies.
Since Stalin wanted to convey a fearsome image, it was acceptable to make Ivan menacing.
We opened this place in central Tokyo to try to remove this dark, dangerous and fearsome image.
Despite the fearsome image of the denominational workers as Gentiles, their students, beneficiaries of their kindly and cultured influence, remembered them with gratitude.
Of course, that fearsome image also grew out of the knowledge of its time and changing knowledge, which for example, later identified the Brontosaurus with the Apatosaurus.