But what had a man who led such a dull, dreary life done that he feared exposure?
He feared exposure before his friends, who had read many of the stories in their earlier versions.
As a result, pharmaceutical companies feared future exposure to lawsuits under the lower threshold.
Her only hope was that he feared exposure enough to pay the money God, what had set Richard off?
It seemed only that, fearing exposure, he took the quickest way out.
He had never feared public exposure because the public also had always been on his side.
Dirty cops lived every day with the fear that their sins would be discovered, fearing exposure as much as or more than they did death.
An individual juror should not fear exposure of an unpopular stand inside the sanctity of the jury room.
Lela already knew too many of their foibles to fear exposure at their hands.
We fear exposure perhaps more than you fear for your lives.