The others in a crowd of about 40 left, with some saying they feared deportation if arrested.
Thieves know that the victims, who often lack bank accounts, carry cash and avoid reporting the crimes, fearing deportation.
In interviews on Thursday, several workers said they had often thought of going to the police but did not because they feared deportation.
This time, she fears deportation, and will likely send William to El Salvador.
They say the cards would give immigrants a comfort level with the police in discussing crime, rather than fearing deportation.
And even once detected, it can be hard to prove because the prostitutes often fear revenge and deportation.
He identified himself only as Eduardo, 20, saying he was an illegal immigrant who feared deportation.
Some babies may get no care at all, if their noncitizen parents, fearing arrest and deportation, decide not to seek it.
The others will not be able to apply for the special visa, and having exposed their illegal status to a federal official, fear deportation.
They don't escape, however, because they fear deportation.