I am Fosull, I do not fear Varg, outswamp men, or demons.
But do you fear demons?
While some people fear demons, or attempt to exorcise them, others willfully attempt to summon them for knowledge, assistance, or power.
"I told you he'd have reason to fear demons," Jezebel -and I'll bet said.
You must understand, however, that I do not fear monsters or demons or any other form of external danger to my life.
As bishop he feared neither kings on earth nor demons in hell, and he treated all men the same - that is to say: bluntly.
Formorians feared demons, their stronger counterpart.
As for curses, I do not fear efreets and demons, for the God we both worship has promised us protection against evil.
They fear demons and ghosts.
The Crown Prince, even more than most people, had always feared and loathed demons.