His doubts suggest that he was confident the war would end in a favourable outcome for Germany by mid-1940.
Some people believe that Adam Smith's 'hidden hand' is at work in society, bringing about the most favourable productive outcome from the economy.
Despite this favourable outcome, the British government wished to negotiate with the Russians from a strong position.
In one series, all adolescent patients with a cyst of Montgomery had a favourable outcome.
In both countries considerable progress has been made towards a favourable outcome.
However, favourable outcomes have been noted repeatedly when adequate treatment is given before the onset of central symptoms.
The occurrence of the favourable outcome, reaching the food source, only strengthens the response that it produces.
But if you were to act for me in this, it would hasten our undertaking to a favourable outcome.
I trust, Commissioner, that the proposed new 2005 directive will have a favourable and speedy outcome.
It is in the Union's interests that the process should have a favourable outcome.