The position of the lighthouse is not understood since it strongly favours an approach from the northwest.
If you've never cared much for sneaking about in the dark and favour a more direct approach, that option is open to you as well.
He favoured an experimental approach to second language research and conducted various experiments.
Much was written during the Renaissance on grape growing and wine production, favouring a more scientific approach.
The Commission favours a more nuanced approach which would mean that measures could take effect much earlier than 2006.
In conclusion, although many of you favour a more ambitious approach, I consider that this process has been particularly successful.
We therefore favour a uniform approach and wish to apply it first of all to future agencies.
The Commission favours a multilateral approach and has committed a number of its services to different projects in this area.
As for the 'fair value' principle, it favours a short-term approach and makes financial results the dominant factor in company management.
One may say that they favour a Thatcherite approach.