Still, those were among my father's favorite tales.
He recalled one of his favorite tales, from well before he knew who the Saint really was.
Lets children add their own flourishes to a favorite tale.
This was their favorite tale, and they never tired of it; neither they, nor the old veterans who told it once again.
Indeed, she had proved she remembered, for that had been one of his favorite tales.
"So I said, I want to be an intelligence officer," he told me, recounting a favorite tale.
His favorite tale: a visitor asked if the Lion's Head was "where a lot of writers with drinking problems hang out."
A favorite tale is the one about how he tangoed with a squirrel while trying to place a birdhouse in a tree in the backyard.
Scotty, a very inebriated Scotty, was telling one of his favorite tales.
My favorite tales concerned the ring usually kept in a small velvet box, except for special occasions.