Snitterfield remained his favorite residence and it was there that he would die at the age of 66.
Eastwell, a large estate of twenty five hundred acres near Ashford, with its forest and park was the children's favorite residence.
The castle was rebuilt and extended, becoming one of his favorite residences.
In the 19th century, Zeist became a favorite residence for the rich, mainly from the city of Utrecht.
The fertility of these lands compelled the conquistador to found his favorite residence here.
The palace on the Moika was the prince's favorite residence in the capital.
Odoardo died suddenly in Piacenza, his favorite residence, on 11 September 1646.
That way an asset can be removed from the estate without the parent or parents' ceding control over a favorite residence.
In 1893 he chose Crozant as his favorite residence.
This was Roscoe's favorite residence during the days of his prosperity.