His favorite pursuit was fly fishing for permit, a tricky gamefish of the Yucatan peninsula.
In his course of reading, Abbot was particularly attentive to chemistry and mechanics, which had long been favorite pursuits with him.
Theology was a favorite pursuit of Samuel Abbot.
Mrs. Bush, 57, makes little secret of the fact that while she has no problem with public speaking, political campaigning is not one of her favorite pursuits.
Literature, however, was his favorite pursuit, and Agathias remains best known as a poet.
Photographers have a harder time catching him indulging in a favorite pursuit - smoking Cuban cigars.
His favorite pursuits are musicianship, skirt-chasing and looking after his elderly mother, not necessarily in that order.
Pleasure boating and scuba diving are among favorite recreational pursuits.
The business, he said in an interview, will be an electronic-commerce Web site that focuses on "the heterosexual man's favorite pursuits: ladies, automobiles, sports, and stocks."