This makes them more efficient hunters and is bad news for their favorite prey, moose.
Their favorite prey is also colored to be less easily detected, to confuse the eye of the beholder, if they stand still.
Its favorite prey is women and children; guess it doesn't much care for food that might be able to fight back a little.
The favorite prey of the great hammerhead are rays and skates, especially stingrays.
If the president is a "sexual predator," as some would have us believe, who is his favorite prey?
They also run in a straight line, which is probably why they are the favorite prey of hunters on horseback.
Their favorite prey appears to be web-building spiders between 10% and 200% of the Portia's size.
In the wild, these enormous birds are a dragon's favorite prey.
How was it that he arrived so often in time to save the poor foolish women who were Rodrigo's favorite prey?
Hunters find them competitors for such favorite prey as deer, elk and moose.