Scame was by now Dom's favorite partner; it was certain they would be paired in any team games against the galactics.
The specialists have one favorite partner with whom they have developed elaborate bidding understandings, which may be detailed in 50 pages of notes.
But he quickly became her favorite partner.
His favorite partner, sharing in many of his successes, was Helen Sobel.
One of his favorite partners was M. Harrison Gray, with whom he played the diagramed deal.
He was best known for playing the right side next to his favorite partner, the spirited Gardnar Mulloy.
He, too, was bright enough to see how Seirem had become the outlander's favorite partner at the gameboard.
The idea of his cousin, his favorite sparring partner, being fragile and with child made him uneasy.
Some experts have a favorite partner, with whom they record a string of successes.
"He's my principal and favorite partner," Ms. Hertz said.