His light voice had an unexpected warm timbre, like an uncle greeting a favorite niece.
Warbeak, who was his favorite niece, called out to her uncle, appealing for mercy.
"Good morning, favorite niece in the world," I mumbled.
After eight years of working with Shep, she knew his two children as well as a favorite niece and nephew.
She was once the favorite niece of the CEO, but he's since left, so she's on her own.
What was good for them wasn't good enough for their favorite niece.
A woman trains her favorite nieces to be mates for her sons, doesn't she?
I'm going to mate with her favorite niece.
"I insist on having a hug from my favorite niece."
I am sure that he will not say no to his favorite niece, and surely not to the cat's whiskers!