The Bethune family has a favorite rude motto.
Barthes was suspicious of language's intended meanings; his favorite motto was "Larvatus prodeo" ("I advance pointing to my mask").
The 57-year-old coach repeated another favorite motto: "I keep saying I'm too old to lose."
A Montrealers' favorite motto could very well be "life is short, summer's shorter."
Such a program would carry out my favorite motto: A place for everything and everything in its place.
Trust nothing, that was Larry Digger's favorite motto.
A favorite motto of Nietzsche, taken from Pindar, reads: "Become what you are."
A Hungarian folk saying and a favorite motto of Peter Novak's.
His favorite motto exhorts his younger colleagues to place fact and description before theory, for "one should not run before one can walk."
Her favorite motto is "Always put GOD first in everything we do".