My favorite golfer is Tiger Woods.
Valincia - 6 days ago Tiger Woods my favorite golfer, please watch your back from now on.
Showing support for your favorite golfer can be tough at times.
Tom passed that quiz and would shoot par 70, beaming at his followers who always use a favorite golfer's first name as if he were a nephew or an uncle.
Show up, buy a ticket, follow your favorite golfers or perch near a tee or a green to see them.
That it was hit by Fred Couples, one of America's favorite golfers, can only hasten its historic implications.
This is a bit o' fun: David Feherty knocking the pins out from under some of your favorite golfers as they tee off at the Tavistock.
But when the game began, Coslet wore traditional black pants, even though Stewart is his favorite golfer.
"Who's your favorite golfer?"
He instantly became my favorite golfer!