There, in his old neighborhood around Arthur Avenue, he gets pelted with questions whenever he stops in at a favorite deli or restaurant.
The Carnegie in New York is one of my favorite delis, but here the food was just abominable.
I started doing drawings and some early editions of my favorite delis.
Striding out of the stage door, saying hello to the armed guard there, and then marching off up the avenue toward his favorite little deli.
Happily, Pop takes his son the Mayor to his favorite deli, and the reader is instructed on the perfect pastrami sandwich.
He used to get a sandwich at his favorite deli near the World Financial Center.
They went to his favorite deli.
The demise of my favorite Greek deli had one fortunate consequence, though.
After a few visits, I felt the young man who deftly sliced prosciutto and cheese in my favorite deli stall was a personal friend.
If one's tennis partner moves or the owner of a favorite deli retires, such individuals might be missed, but others will fill their roles.