Laundry may be your least favorite chore, or you could be one of those people that think doing laundry is fun and productive.
Conditioning's not my favorite chore but we all gotta do it.
Many presidents find it one of their least favorite chores, using language redolent of adolescent angst to describe their feelings.
It was her favorite chore but she preferred to do it with her mother--some of the hens were irritable with Betsey and would peck her if she tried to slide an egg out from under them, whereas they would never peck Clara.
Gutting fish was not one of Killashandra's favorite chores, but she had finished half the catch before she realized it, washing them clean in the little brook.
"Housework" was not one of her favorite "chores" in the 20th Cen- tury, and I had no doubt that she hadn't enjoyed it here either!
Chats with pushy lawyers ranked low on his list of favorite chores.
The Defiant had returned from its mission to Trill, so Kira had left Vaughn in charge while she went through her least favorite chore: chatting with politicians.
It is my favorite chore now.