Aldo smiled at that- it was one of his favorite beverages.
"I don't have suspicions about it," he said of his favorite beverage.
I formerly had loathed buttermilk, but now found it to be far and away my favorite beverage.
Gould also says it will require a lot of looking into "relationships" with consumers - how they feel about their favorite beverages and why.
In the past the sign has shown models advertising designer clothing or a favorite beverage.
"Open file B, will you, and break out a container of my favorite beverage?"
You told me once, a very long time ago, that your favorite beverage was hot chocolate.
Each return found the neighbor on the stoop, enjoying his favorite beverage.
"I've heard people scream a lot of other things before, especially after they've had their favorite beverage," said Woods smiling.
That someone had given her life for all of them, and at the very least, she deserved a toast with her favorite beverage.