So tell us, would you be excited or exhausted if your favorite act released music at Weezy's rate?
Despite remaining the same act since the early 1980s, audiences often name Mule Train as their favorite act.
Years later fans from all over the country could call and vote for their favorite acts in addition to the subscribers who used voting ballots.
Viewers then voted for their favorite act, thus bringing Braswell back into the competition.
Before the final places were announced, pre-recorded videos were shown of various celebrities' support for their favorite acts.
The viewers could select their favorite acts by postcard, which were then allowed to return in the subsequent broadcast.
By and large, mayors seem to view their marrying duties as among their favorite official acts.
By the 1920s, the Marx Brothers had become one of America's favorite theatrical acts.
Maryanne had been performing her favorite damsel-in-distress act, of course.
Annandhanam - serving food - was his favorite act of service.