If albums can be bought digitally as well, they may even have fans paying all over again for a favorite CD or collection of songs.
A good dealer should have a listening room or speaker showroom that allows you to try out various tracks from your favorite CD.
"Put on your favorite CD, pour yourself a glass of wine and confront your closet," they advise.
Also, it isn't necessary to search for favorite CD's on the shelf.
In other words, you can listen to your favorite CD, then ask for directions.
The process begins when each member creates a list of up to seven favorite lesser-known CD's of the past year.
Warren also selected her Geography of Light as one of his (13) favorite CD's for 2008.
He put his favorite CD on shuffle and crossed his small apartment to the kitchenette.
Your favorite CD is playing - loudly.
Sure, it's convenient to just put your favorite CD in the machine and hit the "play" button when you want some music.