And in some few favored spots, dark grottoes and murky tarns together.
The settlements are small, some orchards and fields in the more favored spots.
Local legend has it that they were the favored spots of Al Capone.
Given its remote location and inhospitable climate, the island was long a favored Russian spot for secretive arrangements.
"Do I understand you to say that you want to leave this delightful place, this most favored spot in the universe?"
"I recognize some people may construe it as a favored spot, but I think you're judged by what you do."
Recently this has also become a favored spot for record-company showcases, so the music-biz contingent is rising.
It often leaves piles of empty shells at favored spots.
Argentina became a favored spot for senior officials of the Third Reich to flee after the war.
Sunny southern side of the church was the favored spot for burials.