The Oceano Dunes camping and recreational facility has been a favored site for more than 100 years.
Their gathering place: the land near the Capitol that is now the favored site for the museum.
It remains a place of pilgrimage and a favored site for burial for many people across Ethiopia.
Associates - Forming entropically favored site, usually depending on temperature.
Another favored site is the bus to St. Peter's.
No, this was not a favored site.
The preserve is also a favored site for wilderness rafting and canoe trips.
The university learned on Dec. 21 that it was the favored site for the Bush library, museum and policy institute.
The contrast between the favored sites and Google can be stark.
His suite was about halfway high in the megabuilding, by no means a favored site, so he did feel squeezed at times.