The horses never chose their direction; they merely sought easier pasturage and sometimes a herd would languish in one favorable spot for eight or nine years.
Heavily bound with ropes the man was locked in a small closet, to be kept there until a favorable spot was reached for letting him go.
Late in the game, a poor Nebraska punt pushed back by the high winds gave Iowa a favorable starting spot on Nebraska's 35-yard line.
New Rochelle has had a favorable spot in the limelight for a century.
One question remained yet to be decided; it was necessary to choose a favorable spot for the experiment.
The roof would take him farther away from the ground, but at the same time it offered a convenient route to a more favorable spot for rope work.
By mid-afternoon, Tibbs and Alexis and Annette were almost exhausted; and when the party reached a favorable spot, Jane called a halt.
And Earth's in a more favorable spot in its orbit, so the path'll be shorter.
He drew a favorable spot in the gate at post position six, his first good draw since his win in the LeCompte.
Having spent heavily on that new show, ABC needed a favorable spot on its schedule on which to place it, and it had few such spots available.