If the Basses were to take a similar interest in Avon, analysts said, the result might show exceptionally favorable returns in a few years.
AIM's funds have achieved high returns in part because the company's investment style, known as momentum investing, has shown favorable returns in the recent bull market.
"It gives us the most favorable return on our need for new ratables and does not outweigh what we have to pay out in terms of new municipal services."
But he also stressed that the company's "present mix of businesses is capable of generating earnings growth" and a favorable return on equity.
"We've already seen some firming of earnings, so we would expect favorable returns on speculative bonds in the next year."
If taken over five years, that would mean an annual credit of $34,261, increasing the cash flow to $80,595 - a much more favorable return of 18.8 percent.
Most of the "Hoppies," as the films were known, were distributed by Paramount Pictures to highly favorable returns.
Given the potential, he said, "to have one of the marquis names in that business could be a favorable return on invested capital."
And do not assume that the money fund into which your stockbroker sweeps sales proceeds and other cash will give you a favorable return.
Treasuries with shorter maturities were higher as investors moved money out of stocks, which were declining, for the favorable return on interest-bearing instruments.