His entrance had been well timed, and numbers now swung to more favorable odds for the rebels.
Even when using eight decks, red dog does not offer favorable odds for the player in comparison with other games of chance common to casinos.
Four Russian divisions against sixteen Chinese didn't seem especially favorable odds.
So this was not a bet that promised favorable odds.
With such favorable odds, he will charge his host straight in from the west, trying to overrun us.
When our lives are at stake, we often change our behavior to arrange more favorable odds.
Occasionally it seemed doubtful she would, despite computations giving her favorable odds, but she did.
But Oquedo could not resist the chance to make battle with such favorable odds.
A trader hopes to make a profit by closing out the bet at a later stage at more favorable odds.
Don't try to collect, though, if he's suddenly offering more favorable odds on a horse in the next race.