His income last year was more than $1.5 million, including salary, product endorsements and "gifts" from companies hoping to get a favorable mention on the evening news.
For small beauty product manufacturers, even one favorable mention on a popular blog can mean big business.
And maybe, just as a reward, even though the subcommander had wanted to save his own neck and his brother's, a favorable mention of him, too.
With Bush's network in full gear, he was beginning to attract favorable mention from the columnists.
A figure so enviable that Scales got a favorable mention in a speech by the president during his last campaign swing through the state.
Motuku never failed to receive glowing and favorable mention in the Western press.
There is one issue on which the Administration deserves favorable mention.
Beginning in 1998, the official curriculum in Taiwan schools has been changed to contain more frequent and favorable mention of aborigines.
Any favorable mention of the Renaissance, they asserted, unduly exalts man and demeans their God.
He received favorable mention in the reports of the commanders in both Louisiana campaigns.