"Would there be so many favorable articles about Giuliani taking time off to study the issues after the campaign began?"
And for takeout customers, favorable articles are reprinted on the backs of menus.
The stock was helped by a favorable article in Barron's.
The stock apparently continued to benefit from a favorable article in Barron's.
Faughn frequently writes favorable articles about his former associates, and critical writings of their political opponents.
Pravda, the official newspaper, ran an unusally long and favorable article on his trip.
Despite picking up plenty more favorable articles as he went along, Huntsman never provided a convincing answer to this question.
Everybody leaves without a word, and she chases after a critic and pleads with him to write a favorable article.
In fact, he included a favorable article about nepotism in the magazine's September issue.
Statisically, each highly favorable article about a chief executive in the national press added 5.4 percent to the premium over market price.