Never known as a major player on international issues, Ford favored continued economic sanctions against Iraq as an alternative to the Gulf War.
A majority of Republicans support military action; a majority of Democrats favor sanctions.
Among Americans nationwide, 46 percent favored military action and 47 percent favored continued sanctions.
I do not favor sanctions because I do not know what penalty could be put on a man who already owes $6 million.
Support for Sanctions But some people hurt by the embargo still favor tighter sanctions.
Those who favor sanctions say that ignoring certain behavior sends a message of inequality to girls and of privilege to boys.
Several writers condemn Clinton's policy of "constructive engagement" as appeasement: They favor economic sanctions instead.
The only remaining question is whether President Clinton will favor sanctions if disputes cannot be resolved.
Today he said: "I am one who has not favored additional sanctions, and so I'm perfectly willing to review things as new developments take place.
Attorneys general for some of the states that joined in the federal government's case said they favored strict sanctions, which might include the breakup of Microsoft.