He favors restricting the automatic right of occupancy, in writing, to the existing occupant (normally the grantor of the trust) and immediate family members.
He said he opposed mandatory testing but favored restricting infected health care workers to non-invasive procedures.
More women than expected also voted for Solidarity, which favors restricting the liberal abortion law.
Sir Edmund, who favors restricting the number of climbers on the mountain, has inveighed against the softening of the Everest ethic.
Mr. McCall has said that he favors restricting such contributions, but to do so would require public money for campaigns.
Voorhis favored restricting building of commercial structures to free up materials for housing, while Nixon urged the removal of all building restrictions.
Or a conservative may oppose censorship and the draft, but favor restricting free trade.
Mr. McMillan said he opposed abortions and favored restricting them.
The church has long been among the religious groups that favor restricting access to handguns and, most recently, assault weapons.
Eighty percent of respondents favored restricting the reporting of results before the polls close.