Leahy subsequently indicated that he would favor further research into provisions that raised objections.
To hedge against the risk of more extreme climate change, Green favors increased research into geoengineering.
In particular, he said he is convinced that academic centers like his have veered too far toward favoring research at the expense of patient care.
Being a small country and a consumer of foreign technology, Ecuador has favored research supported by entrepreneurship in information technology.
It would also favor research and education.
As a pioneer in many synthetic and semi-synthetic products, Motul has always favored innovation, research and development.
Complicating the president's decision is the fact that some anti-abortion conservatives favor research using human embryos.
There is a tendency in this country to favor goal-oriented medical research, for example, directly related to treating a disease.
To the Editor: A Sept. 1 letter writer attributes many problems of state universities to favoring research over teaching.
In general, Orthodox Jewish medical ethics tend to favor medical research.