Polls in the Philippines show 70 to 80 percent of the people favor extending the base treaty.
He favored extending the Javits north to 42nd Street, rather than south to the stadium.
And the dividend tax cut is scheduled to expire in 2009, though the Bush administration has indicated that it favors extending it.
Mr. Bush favors extending a moratorium against Internet taxes while the issue gets further study.
In 1992, most of the members of what was then the new Parliament said they favored extending the vote to women.
Even some Democrats favor extending the tax cuts that benefit middle-income families.
The United States also favors extending the cap-and-permit idea to the international arena.
For example, the media frequently say Republicans favor extending tax "cuts," which implies lowering tax rates from their current level.
Both parties favor extending a series of expiring tax provisions, including one that provides a break for research and development expenses.
By design, it ran only until April 14, though popular sentiment seemed to favor extending it in some way.