He has been jailed eight times in five states for public speeches favoring birth control and abortion.
"We are not keeping score of who favors abortion and who does not," she said.
Our society has embraced legal and social policies that favor abortion.
Also, Mr. Gilmore favors abortion only when the life of the mother is at risk.
This finding, which parallels the views of Americans in general, suggested that a wide majority would favor abortion under some circumstances.
This regret is hardly effective, since it serves the agenda of those who actively favor abortion.
Polls show consistently that a majority of voters favor legal abortion.
I favored legal abortion; she did not, even to save the mother's life, because if a woman died it was God's will.
Hansen does not favor euthanasia or abortion unless in cases of rape or if the mother's life is at risk.
Those who favor legal abortion are much more likely to get one than those who oppose it.