And a class-action lawsuit on behalf of medical groups stuck with faulty software resulted in a settlement with the Medical Manager Corporation providing for free repairs.
Then it would just be about the fact that they put some pretty bad faulty software on it.
He explained that the county's electronic voting system had faulty software that accidentally held on to some test votes, and added them to the real votes that were cast.
In February 2010, multiple media reports claimed that Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Wozniak had suggested that faulty software may be part of the problem.
But it was unclear last night whether the disruption was caused by faulty software or human error.
In the 1990's we learned that another country's faulty financial software can harm our Wall Street portfolios.
These locomotives were notorious for their faulty software, which frequently caused problems and kept them out of service for maintenance.
Other executives might show him pictures of their children, Mr. Sullivan said, and some might yell about faulty software.
Therac-25 - A radiation therapy machine responsible for six overdoses due to faulty software.