I concluded that eighteenth -century carpenters either had faulty methods of measuring or rich senses of humour.
I concluded that seventeenth- century carpenters either had faulty methods of measuring or rich senses of humor.
Drews did become an acerbic critic of what he called the faulty historical method of the academic liberal theologians.
Early versions of Linux used a potentially faulty method similar to the first code sample:
Induced seismicity such as faulty methods of mining can trigger rock bursts.
Does the problem lie in faulty methods or in the public's own uncertainty about the two men who will lead their parties in the fall?
Frank Coleman, a spokesman at the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, said the authors of the report used faulty methods.
He could only follow faulty methods to compile data, much of it allowing for projection of anticipated results.
And the F.C.C. used faulty methods for estimating fair prices.
The consortium and Celera have both arrived at the same low number because both are using the same faulty methods, in his view.