It was the old boyfriend who first identified the occasional smell from the faulty installation - one of the few things he didn't fix before he left.
And while weather is said to affect reception, it's more likely to suffer from faulty installation.
They include pets tripping an alarm, inadequate training of homeowners, dead batteries, faulty installation and even cobwebs covering motion detectors.
Check to make sure that it's not compressed or compacted anywhere - this is usually the result of faulty installation.
Prosecutors charged that the pool heater was not properly vented, and that the faulty installation caused Mr. Gerulaitis's death.
The investigation into the crash concluded that the accident was due to imperfect construction which led to a faulty installation of the aileron which had failed.
Unofficially, accidental fire due to faulty electrical installation was ruled out leaving arson as the main suspect.
In turn, these can be caused by a faulty manufacturing process or by faulty installation (such as not observing limits on bend radii).
Common causes of arc faults include faulty connections due to corrosion and faulty initial installation.
Is this normal, or is the installation faulty?