"Clearly, faulty information led to a mistake in the initial targeting of this facility," the statement said.
Again, your brain interprets faulty information about where the body is in relation to the space around it.
That Situation, one the Silence had sent them on, with flawed and faulty information.
This meant that economic planning was often done based on faulty or outdated information, particularly in sectors with large numbers of consumers.
The children were eventually caught, probably due to his faulty information or greed.
Every year people are mistakenly killed by law enforcement agents because of faulty information and "suspicious behavior."
Many of these stories later turned out to have been based upon faulty information.
The problem was that they based this strategy on faulty information, due to the crush of sell orders.
Yes, but the records are compromised, and you don't gamble millions on faulty information.
We here have to analyze faulty information that will probably be incorrectly implemented by the people to whom it's supposed to go.